Bologna & Emilia

It was a gastronomic indulgence filled with unique, personal experiences. Our adventrure leader Linda was unfailingly enthusiastic, accommodating, patient and fun!

Written By: Basilio (Buzz) N.
Location: Nokomis - FL - US
Review Source: Website
Type of Traveler: Couple
Itinerary: Bologna

Full Review

For an entire week, we were never lacking food, drink or interesting activities.  The accommodations at Art Hotel Comemrcianti were convenient to the historic center, comfortable, quiet and very nicely rennovated.  The breakfast offered more food choices than we could ever hope to consume.  The first night's meal was wonderful, although I might suggest to scale back the orientation meeting's finger-food and hold it in a quieter location - even the hotel bar area.  Our cooking "class" experiences at Silvia's with Bruna, Pina, Archangelo were wonderful.  We were grateful to share with their family their home, knowledge and laughs!  The same for Chef Andrea allowing us to swarm his Michelin Star restaurant, farm & home.  That was an amazing day!  The evening atop the hill at Chef Beniamino Farmhouse Le Ginestre was a fun "family" dinner with great food.  And the potato souffle at Michelin Star Vicolo Columbina was to die for!

I might change the venue Tuesday(?) night at Bottega Favalli. The appetizers there were underwhelming.  But then this is in comparison to some prior outstanding meals.  I would also try to convince Chef Ben to offer a cooking class before dinner - such as how to make that heavenly foccacia!!

The excursions to Venice & Modena, the parmegiano reggiano & prosciuto producers, Lamborghini factory and ESPECIALLY the acetaia were all interesting.  Lorenzo and his family's small acetaia were really welcoming, fun and served us a very memorable meal as did the winery!  The days were so packed with food and activities that I needed a vacation from the vacation!  At the very least, I seriously need a diet now!!

It was a memorable trip all around with specical thanks to Linda!  She was a really fun and accommodating host!  There is nothing she can't do - and do with a smile.  And to be frank, we had a challenging group of people to rally together.  Linda is a real professional at herding cats (and dogs);^)  Really, I can't think of anything that this trip left unaccomplished compared to the expectations we had.

Great job.  We will definitely try another CDV location in the future!

With love & appreciation,

Basilio & Penny

P.S. Thanks for tolerating our attempts at speaking broken Italian

Sample Photo from this Itinerary