You Want to Feed the Meal I Prepared… TO YOUR DOG?
On day one of every cooking vacation we offer, there is a little talk with all of the newly arriving guests. We go over the things that they can expect, and should not expect. We discus the plans for the days ahead,...
“Boh!?”… And Other Perfect Italian Words & Phrases That Don’t Translate Well
When you split your life between two cultures with two languages, it is quite easy to get trapped in the wrong language from time to time. I sometimes find myself speaking one language, then suddenly a word or phrase pops out...
Welcome To Italy… There’s a Tax For That
I haven’t gone on an Italy rant for a while, but with healthcare and taxes filling the US airwaves, it has really made me think about taxes in Italy. I’ll not get into my opinion of these subjects in the US, since...
Anglitaliano: English Words in Everyday Italian
We use a ton of Italian words in English. More than many might think. Just walk into a Starbucks, and you will probably walk out with something called a ‘LATTE‘ (Be careful asking for it in Italy, since...
Man Dies: Caught Cold in Stomach
Traveling to Italy, some visitors notice various oddities about Italian culture that seem to defy explanation. Some are rooted in the socio-political history of the country, some are rooted in religious tradition, and...
Who is Alfredo Sauce, and why do Americans keep asking about him?
If you go to Italy looking for Alredo Sauce, you will find yourself quite frustrated. Read on to learn why.
The Wine Is Always Finer On The Other Side of the Fence
I’ve been wanting to write about this for ages. Not about wine actually being better on the other side of the fence, but the impression that it is. We take groups to wineries in Tuscany and the surrounding regions...
In Search of the Perfect Espresso
Like a fine wine or a great cigar, those who know their coffee are extremely discriminating. I count myself among them. Coffee is something I take very seriously.Technorati: VA2TJVJYZX67 Depending on the style of coffee,...
Bruschetta – The Truth and a Unique Recipe
It’s not really what you think it is… In the states, when you hear the word ‘Bruschetta’, you think about toasted Italian bread with a tomato spread. But to think that way would be like thinking the word...
Rotolo Rose Recipe
An amazing rolled pasta with cheese, Besciamelle and prosciutto dish my mother-in-law in Italy used to make on Sundays every once in a while. When we knew Rotolo Rose was for lunch, nobody was ever late… period!...