What to Expect on a Culture Discovery Vacation
What makes Culture Discovery Vacations different? You see it all over our website. Family, Family, Family. This is not a marketing term for us. It is the way we operate. It may sound like just a word to some, but it is what makes...
Vacationing in Italy 101
When you do what we do, everyone you know and their mothers ask you to help them with their trip to Italy. This is great, I love Italy and I want everyone to experience the real Italy, so I try my best to help my...
Amatriciana Recipe
Amatriciana sauce is a red pasta sauce, usually served with Bucatini or Spaghetti pasta that comes from the small town of Amatrice. Amatrice is in northern Lazio, not too far from Soriano or Norcia (two of our locations)...
25 Tips For Traveling In Italy
With all the experience the CDV staff has collected from living and working in Italy, we thought it would be nice to share some of the things we have learned that make visiting Italy, that much easier on you. Most of these...
Italy: Where Even The Graffiti Is Romantic
If you’ve been to Italy, you may or may not have realized the very real graffiti problem. Such a beautiful country, with historic and significant buildings, covered in graffiti. It drives me insane, you can find some form...
4 Restaurants Locals Love in Rome
There is no shortage of restaurants in Rome, but the truth is, most of the ones you see when you are touring around the city, are catering to tourists and a local would never be caught eating there. Rome is a huge city, and it...
Dark Chocolate Gelato with Peperoncino and Cinnamon
It’s the middle of August, its hot, the AC is working overtime, you’re daydreaming of gelato, but alas, Italy is so far away! Here is a simple recipe for some gelato that will satisfy your sweet tooth, as well as your...
The 10 Best Beaches in Italy
Italy can get extremely hot during the summers, and this year is no exception! With two consecutive heat waves coming up from Africa, the heat is really getting intense. This last heat wave, named “Il Caronte” was named after a...
Italian Stereotypes – True or False
Every culture is associated with stereotypes, and while they can have some truth to them, many of them are exaggerated or generalized. This is being written by someone who is constantly stereotyped as a guido (thanks...
Basic Guide to Pronouncing Foods in Italian
Learning a new language is terrifying. All the pronunciation rules you know and love in English are entirely irrelevant in this new language, its like being in primary school all over again. Right now Sam and I are...