
4 Restaurants Locals Love in Rome

Reading Time: 2 minutes

There is no shortage of restaurants in Rome, but the truth is, most of the ones you see when you are touring around the city, are catering to tourists and a local would never be caught eating there.

Rome is a huge city, and it has a lot to offer, but the restaurants that cater to tourists, don’t serve quality food because they don’t think we’ll notice! Most of the time we are being served mediocre food with subpar ingredients at an astronomical price.

These are four restaurants that were introduced to us by local Romans, and that we love to visit.


Trattoria Vecchia Roma




Trattoria Vecchia Roma is so far outside of tourist Rome, that even if a tourist tried going here, they might actually get a little uncomfortable and turn around. I won’t lie to you, this location is less than desirable, but local Romans agree, this is the best Pasta alla Amatriciana you will find in Rome. So good in fact, that as I am writing this, my mouth is watering and I am considering driving to Rome tonight to get a quick fix.


Pizza Re


Pizza Re is a place that my family has been frequenting for quite a few years now. Many years ago a local Roman brought us here promising the best neapolitan style pizza Rome had to offer, and they did not disappoint. This place has a slightly more desirable location than the last, as it is down a street near Piazza del’ Popolo, so it is much easier to access after a day of touring Rome.


Fish Market Trastevere


Rome isn’t exactly known for its fish, in fact, I’ve heard multiple people tell me that fish in Rome isn’t fresh, and to stay away from it. Fish Market Trastevere is one place that stands apart from the rest, as it offers freshly caught fish every day. One thing that seems to confuse people here, is how to order. upon entering there is a case of fresh fish on display that you can order grilled or fried, this is the entire fish, not just a fillet. You can also order off of a menu that boasts fresh tartare, fish burgers, and unforgettable calamari. After ordering, you take a seat, drink some wine and enjoy a break from all the pasta you’ve been having with some delicious fresh fish!


Open Baladin


It’s not uncommon for a tourist to be up to their ears with pizza, wine and pasta (not that thats a bad thing) but after several days, weeks, months of Italian food, a burger sounds really good (trust me, I’ve been here 6 months). My search for burgers always falls flat, for some reason, it seems the masterminds behind pizza, pasta and gelato, aren’t inherently good at making burgers. Enter Open BaladinThis place has tons of different burger combinations and more beers than you can imagine. When I step in here, I actually forget that I am in Rome, and I feel like I’m in a burger bar back in the states. Italians love burgers, and Italians love Open Baladin.


So there you have it, don’t skip these places next time you’re in Rome, you won’t be disappointed!



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9 years ago

Awesome list, very thorough. I shouldn’t read this when I am hungry and have very limited options for my lunch break from work. I can always dream.

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