Bolognese sauce is a meat-based sauce originating from Bologna, Italy, hence the name.

Make a mound of flour and break the eggs into the center.
Beat them and incorporate the flour gradually
When the dough is no longer sticky, knead with hands for 5-10 minutes until the dough is smooth and elastic.
Cover with plastic wrap and let it rest for at least 30 minutes (1-2 hours is better)
Using a rolling pin, flatten it out until it forms a round shape of about 8 cm.( 20”).
Fold the dough. Take the top 1/3 and fold it towards the center. Then take the bottom 1/3 and fold it towards the center. Then fold it two more times
Make sure you do not press on the folds. Proceed to cut the pasta roll in equal parts of 6,5-7 mm,( ¼ of an inch) then unroll the tagliatella forming “pasta nests”.Lay on a tray to dry
Chop the vegetables into small pieces and saute them in a pan for about 5 minutes in extravergin olive oil
Add the ground pancetta and let it brown
Add and brown the ground beef and the ground pork stirring . Season with salt and black pepper. When the meat is sizzling pour the wine and the cognac
Adjust the heat to high to evaporate the alcohol
Once the alcohol has evaporated completely, add the tomato paste and tomato sauce and a glass of water
Allow to simmer for about 4 hours
Make a mound of flour and break the eggs into the center.
Beat them and incorporate the flour gradually
When the dough is no longer sticky, knead with hands for 5-10 minutes until the dough is smooth and elastic.
Cover with plastic wrap and let it rest for at least 30 minutes (1-2 hours is better)
Using a rolling pin, flatten it out until it forms a round shape of about 8 cm.( 20”).
Fold the dough. Take the top 1/3 and fold it towards the center. Then take the bottom 1/3 and fold it towards the center. Then fold it two more times
Make sure you do not press on the folds. Proceed to cut the pasta roll in equal parts of 6,5-7 mm,( ¼ of an inch) then unroll the tagliatella forming “pasta nests”.Lay on a tray to dry
Chop the vegetables into small pieces and saute them in a pan for about 5 minutes in extravergin olive oil
Add the ground pancetta and let it brown
Add and brown the ground beef and the ground pork stirring . Season with salt and black pepper. When the meat is sizzling pour the wine and the cognac
Adjust the heat to high to evaporate the alcohol
Once the alcohol has evaporated completely, add the tomato paste and tomato sauce and a glass of water
Allow to simmer for about 4 hours