Make espresso (2cups), add milk (1/4cup) and sugar to taste. Let cool in a shallow bowl.
Grate the lemon peel of ½ lemon
Grate the orange peel of ½ orange
Juice lemon and orange.....10 drops each
Chop the chocolate into pieces slightly smaller than commercial chocolate chips
Open Mascarpone containers and pour off any liquid
Unwrap lady fingers and set them aside on a plate
In a large bowl, whisk together egg yolks and sugar (3 Tbsp) until mixture is light in color and forms a slowly dissolving ribbon on the surface of the mixture when some of it is lifted with the whisk and allowed to fall back into the bowl.
Gently whisk the mascarpone into the egg yolk mixture
Add zests and juice of lemon and orange to mascarpone mixture
In a separate bowl, beat egg whites until stiff. Whites are stiff enough when you can turn the bowl upside-down and the eggwhites will not fall out of the bowl.
Gently fold the eggwhites into the eggyolk/mascarpone mixture to create a lighter, fluffier mixture
Dip lady fingers into cold espresso mixture, one at a time and line them in a single layer in a baking dish, completely covering the bottom of the dish
Spread about 1/3 of the egg/mascarpone mixture on top of the lady fingers
Sprinkle a thin layer of chocolate shavings over the egg/mascarpone mixture
Continue layering – espresso dipped lady fingers, mascarpone mixture, chocolate shavings, until you have used all the ingredients, or until you don't have enough to complete another layer
Refrigerate until ready to serve
Top layer-sprinkle the top layer with a dusting of cocoa powder. Use a small sieve to shake the cocoa over the grated chocolate.