Awesome Team!

Want to thank you all for your hospitality- You were all gracious hosts. We loved the food, company and unique experience.

Written By: Jessica C
Location: Roslyn Heights - NY - USA
Review Source: Guest Book
Type of Traveler: Family
Itinerary: Soriano - Cities Lost in Time

Full Review

July -

To All At Culture Discovery - 

Want to thank you all for your hospitality- You were all gracious hosts. We loved the food, company and unique experience. If it weren't for you, I would not have met the love(s) of my life - Rocky, Ian, Anthony the Shepherd, Gilligan & last, but certainly  not least,,, Spartaco!  I'll be here next year for the wedding.  You're all awesome team & will miss you all, especially Bubba! 

- Jessica 

Oh - Momma Jackie says "Thanks" too!  

Sample Photo from this Itinerary