Title: Packing List for Men
Category: Packing Right
Author: Daniele Pintaudi Updated: Jan 30, 2019 Views: 12,054
Tags: packing what to pack for italy what to wear in italy

Packing List for Men

What to pack for men.

Based on our experience, the following packing list should be suitable for all men. It assumes you will be on one of our cooking vacations for one week, plus will be traveling somewhere else in Italy for another week.



[  ] Pants
Bring a couple. Both lightweight with good pockets. If you are coming in the summer, make sure one pair is as lightweight as possible if you will be visiting the Vatican during your trip. In the summer, it may be very hot and humid, but the Vatican will require you to wear long pants.

[  ] Shorts
Bring at least a couple if you will be visiting in the summer months. Like with pants, cargo shorts may be best as they have more pockets.

[  ] Shirts
Four or five will do. Polos will help you blend in more, but don't feel the need to worry too much about that. Choose a mix of long and short sleeve according to the time of year you are coming.

[  ] Socks & Underwear: 
Five should do. Remember, it is easier to wash than it is to lug heavy bags around.

[  ] Jacket or Sweater
In the summer, a light sweater will be fine for cool nights, but in early Spring or late Fall, you may want to add a warm, but light jacket to the mix.

[  ] Shoes
All you need is one pair. Make sure they are very comfortable walking shoes. Ask yourself this question: Which shoes would I wear if I were going for a 2 mile walk on an uneven surface? Bring those. During the autumn, be sure to bring an extra pair that can get a little muddy, as we may find ourselves harvesting!

[  ] Sunglasses
Bring an inexpensive pair if you can do without a prescription, but by all means bring them.

[  ] Money Belt
Not something you will really need with us, but in the major cities, it is a good idea to secure your valuables.

[  ] Swimsuits for Our Sicily Vacations
If you are coming on one of our Sicily vacations, you will need a swimsuit at least four or five days during the trip.



[  ] Money & Credit/Debit Cards 
Most everyone accepts credit cards, and ATM machines are easy to find. However, your bank may have an international block on your cards that you will need to deal with, at times International ATM networks can go down, and some credit card terminals may be unable to read international cards. For these reasons, it is important that you also bring enough cash (EUROS) to get you through a few days just in case. Nowadays Traveler's checks are very rarely used, and not advised. IMPORTANT: Call your credit card providers before you leave and let them know when and where you will be traveling in Europe so they make sure your cards will not be blocked overseas. However, be advised that this does not always work, so you should be prepared to have to call them again once you are here.

[  ] Passport
Make a separate photocopy of the information page of your passport for each place you will stay (including one for us), and make one additional copy. Place these in your checked luggage. Make sure your original passport is with you while you are traveling, not in your checked luggage.

[  ] Travel Documents 
We will send you a final e-mail before you come with essential information regarding pick-up time, meeting place, phone numbers, etc. Print two copies of that, in addition to two copies of other essential travel documents (airline tickets, hotel reservations, car rental confirmations, train tickets, driver license / id card, trip itinerary, etc.). Place one set of copies in your carry-on, and the other in your checked baggage.

[  ] Sunscreen
Be sure to bring good sunscreen. If you are coming on our Sicily vacations, be sure to bring plenty!

[  ] Camera 
Don't forget your camera, and make sure it is a digital! Remember to bring a spare battery, a large storage memory card (at least 4 gigabytes), and don't forget your battery charger. While you are with us, if your memory card fills, we will happily empty the contents onto a DVD for you to give you more space, but when you are not with us, you may not have the opportunity.

[  ] Cell Phone 
You will want your phone. Call your wireless phone provider right away and make sure your phone is capable of being used in Europe. You will need to find out if the phone's hardware is capable, and also make sure they have enabled international roaming on your plan. Additionally, they may offer an international roaming plan for a small fee that lowers the cost of making and receiving calls. If you have a smart phone (Like an iPhone, Blackberry or Droid), ask them about an international data plan that will allow you to use the Internet abroad. This won't just let you get your e-mail... It can be invaluable for looking up maps in Europe, GPS directions, finding restaurants, and making on the fly trip plans.

[  ] Travel Adapters
Your camera charger, laptop, and cell phone all have automatic switching power supplies that will sense the voltage and automatically adapt, so you don't need a voltage transformer. However, Italian outlets are different, so you will need a small European electrical adapter to change the shape of the plug. One each for for your phone, camera and laptop.

[  ] Possibly a Voltage Transformer
Less sophisticated devices, such as hair dryers, straighteners, curling irons, electric toothbrushes, etc. may not have automatic switching transformers. Check the power supply for a sticker that has electrical specifications. If it shows something like "110v-220v" written on it, you are OK. If not, you will destroy it the moment you plug it into a European outlet. The problem is that even if you get a voltage transformer, it may not be sufficient for your device. Additionally, the good ones are heavy, bulky, and expensive. It would be safer and cheaper for you to buy a 'travel version' of the devices you want to bring that clearly states that they work with 220 volts. Keep in mind that we supply blow dryers in all of our accommodations.

[  ] Toiletries
Be sure to bring all of the obvious essentials (Toothbrush, razor, Deodorant, shaving cream, toothpaste, etc.), but also consider bringing a small bottle of shampoo and soap. While we provide soap and shampoo in all of our accommodations, when you travel beyond your time with us, you may find that these things are lacking in some hotels.

[  ] Medications
Be sure to bring any medications you will need with you, and pack them in your carry-on bag in their original containers! It may be a good idea to carry copies of essential prescriptions as well.

[  ] Travel Alarm Clock
Don't expect alarm clocks in all accommodations in Italy. Additionally, digital alarm clocks in Italy all display time in 24 hour format (22:00 is displayed for 10:00 PM), which may confuse some Americans. Your best bet is to bring an alarm clock with you that you are comfortable with.

[  ] Emergency Contact List
It is always a good idea to have a list of emergency contacts on you at all times. If you want to really be prepared, write the following line on the list in big bold letters: "IN CASO DI EMERGENZA". Remember to put the phone numbers on the list starting with a plus sign, followed by the country code for the nation each number is in (Example: For US/Canada: +1 (123) 456-7890). When you get your final e-mail from us before the trip, you will have a list of our contact numbers. Please put these on the list. During your entire trip, including travel extended beyond your time with us, we want you to feel completely comfortable knowing we are there to help all the time.



[  ] First Aid Kit
It's never a bad idea to be prepared for life's minor emergencies.

[  ] Clothesline
Since you have committed to packing light, you may need to hand-wash some items. While you are with us, we have laundry services available, and we also have clotheslines in all of our homes, but if you extend your trip, this can be quite valuable.

[  ] Travel Iron
A small and inexpensive travel iron (check the voltage!!) may come in handy. We provide these in our homes, but if you extend your trip, you may need one.

[  ] Addresses of Friends & Family
If you plan on writing home, it is always nicer to have a concise list of addresses.

[  ] Travel Journal
You will see and do quite a bit. Many of our guests have kept a running journal of the their impressions day by day, and it is always fun to read! You will go back to it over and over once home.

[  ] LED Flashlight
You would be surprised how handy a small LED flashlight is when traveling. They are great for finding keyholes at night, lighting the way in a dark wine cellar, and navigating medieval roads that aren't well lit.

[  ] iPod / MP3 Player 
You will want it on the plane, and when we are out on excursions, it is wonderful to listen to your favorite music while gazing at the countryside.

[  ] Paperback Book / Kindle / iPad
Great for the flight and bedtime.

[  ] Insect Repellent
Bring a small bottle of Off or other repellent in the summer months.

[  ] Umbrella
If you are coming in Spring or Fall, rain showers are a reality. A small umbrella will be a welcome item.

[  ] And in case you feel like it...
Shot Glasses from your home town - We have started a little collection of shot glasses that guests have brought us with graphics depicting heir home town, state, country, team, etc. We break them out after meals with Grappa, Limoncello, etc. It is a fun little tradition of ours, and if you would like, we would love to have yours in the mix!

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