Bella vita a Soriano nel Cimino

Not only do you enjoy great food and wine but you learn more about the wonderful culture of Italy

Written By: Maria G
Location: La Jolla - CA - USA
Review Source: Trip Advisor
Type of Traveler: Solo Traveler
Itinerary: Soriano - Tuscan & Umbrian Sun

Full Review

Culture Discovery vacations are a truly unique and special experience. You become friends with all of the folks that are a part of CDV.

It is for the most part a family and friends run operation that makes time with them special.

Considerate and kindly folks they make certain that every day is a happy and fun filled experience.  

Not only do you enjoy great food and wine but you learn more about the wonderful culture of Italy and all that this amazing civilization has given to the Western World.

Sample Photo from this Itinerary