Not special like our other trips with CDV

Third trip with CDV and we were really looking forward to a wonderful time as our other trips have been. Our guide did a great job.

Written By: Scott P.
Location: Maplewood - NJ - US
Review Source: Website
Type of Traveler: Couple
Itinerary: Sicily - Mailnand

Full Review

We were very disappointed with the lodging for 2 of the 3 locations. The first location we were put into a larger room but the bed made noise every time we moved and was not comfortable. The second location was changed from the itinerary for reasons unknown and the replacement lodging was nice except there was a wide variation in the room quality. When we were taken to our room I noticed a terrible smell in the room. It was so bad that it made me nauseous. Our guide said she would trade rooms with us so we moved to a small room near the pool (which was closed, covered and messy). The replacement room was very small, wifi did not work and there were no amenities and no hot water. A couple in the room next to us were on their first CDV trip and shared similar complaints. Other guests proudly described how amazing their rooms were, some with balconies and beautifully appointed rooms. There should not be lodging with such a wide range of quality, we should get exactly the same quality or be offered a less expensive trip. The third location was wonderful and was what we expect in terms of quality from CDV. We enjoyed the sites we saw and as I said the guide did a great job. The challenge was that one couple had a difficult time keeping up and our guide had to spend a lot of time helping them. They both eventually ended up in the hospital due to one falling from a bike and the other falling in the shower. They really were not physically able to be on the trip. The final thing that was missing from our trip was that unexpected thing that CDV did so well on our past trips. There was a surprise, something very local and special that did not happen on this trip. 

Sample Photo from this Itinerary