Pasta, parmigiano reggiano and the perfect tour! Our Culture Discovery Vacation was fantastic!

Written By: Mandy B.
Location: Manalapan - NJ - US
Review Source: Website
Type of Traveler: Other
Itinerary: Bologna

Full Review

 I found CDV on line when I was looking for a food tour in Italy. for myself and my sister.  What impressed me about the site was their transparency.  Everything you wanted to know about the tour was in the website, and true to form everything that was stated was experienced and beyond on our trip.  Before we left there was some concern about the flooding in Bologna, we had no difficulty contacting and talking to our tour manager Mimmo and Michael who reassured us that there was no need for concern.  So off we went and we are so glad we did!

 CDV is like no other tour, there truly is a sense of family that thrives in their DNA.  From the moment we entered the hotel and met our tour manager Mimmo we felt at home.  Wherever we went we were warmly welcomed and celebrated with food, wine, and hugs from the CDV community of guides,  nonas , chefs and drivers.   Our excursions were well planned,  and we were treated to exceptional and unique experiences, visiting local artisans as well as major sites in the Bologna area.  The food  was wonderful, whether we made it with a chef or we dined out in a restaurant.  The wine and laughter always flowed and made each meal memorable.  Our tour guide Mimmo was the special link to making Italy come alive for us.  He shared his friends and experiences with us.  He made sure we were having fun. He found the best gelato for us, the best  shops , and what impressed us the most is that he got up at 4 am to see us off to the airport on the day we left! 

It was an amazing trip and I highly recommend Culture Discovery Vacations to anyone wanting to experience Italy, not just see it. 

Sample Photo from this Itinerary