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Browse through the hundreds of reviews and testimonials our guests have left us on various review websites, in letters they have written us, and more. These wonderful words are the result of our core value: Our guests are to been treated as visiting friends and family, not customers.

Displaying 484 - 504 of 1172 reviews & testimonials.

"An Unbelievable Experience"

I don't believe I've ever been so deeply affected by a vacation before. The only negative thing was the fact that we had to leave!

""Experience of a lifetime""

One of the really great things about the classes is that they weren't just demonstrations but real hands on shopping, prepping and cooking.

"Best Vacation Ever"

The food, the friends, and the fun made this past week the best vacation ever.

"Soriano - Food, Fun, and Family."

We will always cherish our time with our new found family and friends, as folks from different walks of life formed a life-time bond in Soriano.